Written by Rayane Rodrigues
The Portuguese language certificate is the document that proves a migrant's written and oral ability to communicate in the language. This certificate is fundamental for obtaining ordinary naturalization.
Migrants from Portuguese-speaking countries do not need to present this certificate. The countries are: Portugal, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, East Timor, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea.

The (ordinance) Portaria nº 623/20 presents some ways to obtain the necessary certification for the naturalization process, which are:
CEPEL-BRAS - Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners
Certificate of completion of a higher education course;
Passing the bar exam (OAB)
Certificate of completion of a Portuguese language course aimed at immigrants
Proof of completion of elementary or high school through the National Examination for Certification of Skills of Youth and Adults - ENCCEJA;
Nomination for the position of teacher, technician, or scientist;
School transcript or equivalent document proving completion of elementary school, high school, or supplementary school;
Revalidated medical school diploma.
Certificate of proficiency in Portuguese language for foreigners obtained through the CELPE-BRAS exam
One of the most common ways to prove your ability to communicate in Portuguese is through the Certificate of Proficiency in the Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras). This exam is conducted by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) in Brazil and abroad. The exam is composed of an oral and a written part.
The Celpe-Bras results are published in the Diário Oficial da União (DOU). The electronic certificate with the respective proficiency level can be issued and have its authenticity verified in the Celpe-Bras/Certification System, although it has the same value as the publication in the DOU.
The exam is taken once a year and the cost varies according to the location where it is taken, with a maximum of R$230 (two hundred and thirty reais) for the Brazilian testing stations and US$115 (one hundred and fifteen American dollars) for those abroad.
Certificate of completion of higher education or post-graduate course
The certificate of completion of higher education or post-graduate course if taken at a Brazilian educational institution accredited by the Ministry of Education also works as proof of the ability to communicate in Portuguese.
Certificate of approval in the Bar Exam (OAB)
The certificate of approval in the Bar Exam held by the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association, also known as the OAB Exam, is one of the certificates that can be presented to demonstrate language proficiency.
This exam is specific for Law graduates, and passing it is a necessary requirement for registering with the OAB as a lawyer.
Certificate of completion of a Portuguese language course aimed at immigrants
Another way to obtain the Portuguese language certificate is through a certificate of completion, with satisfactory results, of a Portuguese language course aimed at immigrants. This course must be taken at a higher education institution accredited by the Ministry of Education. The certificate must be accompanied by the school transcript and the syllabus of the training course to be considered a valid document for the process.
If the course is taken in the distance learning format, it is necessary to have at least one in-person exam at the course establishment or at a location other than the main office, in a higher education institution associated with it and also certified by the Ministério da Educação (Ministry of Education).
Proof of completion of elementary or high school through the National Examination for Certification of Skills of Youth and Adults - ENCCEJA
Encceja is an exam taken all over Brazil for young people and adults who have not concluded their schooling at the appropriate age, at least 15 (fifteen) years of age for elementary school and 18 (eighteen) years of age for high school. The test is free of charge and is held once a year. It consists of 4 (four) objective tests and an essay, and the objective tests are leveled according to the level of education.
To obtain the certificate, a minimum of 100 points is required in each of the discursive tests and 5 points in the essay. The certificate is issued by the certification institution chosen by the participant when registering for the exam, and the deadline for issuing it varies according to the certification institution, usually between 45 and 60 days after the exam.
Election to the position of professor, technician or scientist resulting from the approval in a contest promoted by a Brazilian public university
The nomination for the position of professor, technician or scientist that results from a competition held by a public university here in Brazil also functions as a Portuguese language certificate.
School transcripts or equivalent documents proving completion of elementary, high school, or supplementary school
Another way to prove the ability to communicate in Portuguese is through school transcripts or a diploma of completion of elementary, high school, or supplementary schooling at a Brazilian educational institution. The institution must be recognized by the competent Education Secretariat for the diploma to be validated as proof of ability to communicate in Portuguese.
Revalidated medical course diploma
Another document that proves proficiency in Portuguese is a medical degree, if it is revalidated by a public higher education institution after being approved by the National Examination for the Revalidation of Medical Degrees from Foreign Higher Education Institutions (REVALIDA) applied by INEP. This exam is aimed at people who obtained their diplomas abroad and wish to work in Brazil. It is composed of written tests and clinical skills tests and is applied once a year, and the registration fee is R$ 330.00 (three hundred and thirty reais).
We hope this has made it easier to understand which and how to obtain a document that indicates the ability to communicate in Portuguese for the naturalization process. If you need professional help, please write to us at contato@mawon.org or in the comments and forms below and we will reply as soon as possible.