The CRNM is the National Migration Registration Card and is the most important Brazilian document for foreigners. The CRNM was established by Law No. 13,445 / 2017 (known as the New Migration Law) and presents essential information such as:
Information related to the individual, being: full name, date of birth, sex, name of parents, nationality;
Information related to the Brazilian government with: CPF, Residence (temporary or permanent); legal protection (the basis of which law you applied for residence, such as: family reunion, professional visa etc);
National Migration Registry (RNM): Sequence of letters and numbers that identifies the foreigner.
Example of a CRNM:

What is the difference between RNM and RNE?
There is no difference, it is the same document. Before the Lei das Migrações de 2017, the Foreigner's Card was called RNE and after the law, it was renamed RNM. The Migration Law started calling the foreigner a migrant, so RNE is the National Foreigner Registration, while RNM is National Migration Registration.
How to obtain the National Migration Registration Card
The CRNM's request must be made in person, at the Federal Police station. Migrant assistance is NOT provided at all FP units, so it is important to check the nearest one on this list.
After locating the PF unit, the next step is to schedule. Access this website and fill out your details.
On the scheduled day, the migrant must bring the following documents:
Completed form, available at this link;
Two recent 3×4 colored photos, with a white background;
Declaration of e-mail address and other means of contact (annex XIX of Interministerial Ordinance No. 3/2018), that should be printed and filled out;
Copy of proof of residence (electricity bill, gas, internet service, etc.) in your name. If you do not have proof in your name, ask the holder to sign this declaration, attach a copy of the RG (ID card) and notarize it;
Official identification document. It can be a passport, official identity document from the country of origin, or a document issued by a Brazilian public agency that has your photo. This document may be expired;
Original visa application form;
Document of identification of the inviting person (for temporary visa for family reunion).
Proof of theCRNM issuance fee, when applicable.
What is the time limit to get the RNM or RNE?
The period to legally register in Brazil is 90 days from the date of entry into the national territory (Law No. 13,445, of May 24, 2017), after this date, stay alert, because you will become irregular in the country, as well as subject to a fine. Without your documents, it is not possible to perform many civil activities in Brazil.
Attention! This deadline is valid for migrants who enter with a residence visa. For those who enter as tourists and wish to obtain the residence permit, the deadline is until the end of the period of stay as a tourist, generally 90 days, which may or may not be extendable, depending on the nationality of the migrant.
The value of the fine differs, as it depends on the number of days the migrant stayed in Brazil irregularly. For each day of irregular stay R$100.00 (one hundred reais) is charged. However, the fine has a maximum limit of R$10,000.00 (ten thousand reais), in other words, even with more than 100 days in an irregular situation, the maximum that can be charged is a fine of R$10,000.00 (ten thousand reais).
Where and how to renew the RNM | RNE?
If your RNM/RNE has expired you must renew it within 90 days of the expiration date.
The renewal is made in the Federal Police that covers the area of the migrant's residence. It is necessary to attend in person at the Federal Police Station on the date of the appointment made via internet. For labor migration procedures (work), the renewal must be requested first on the MigranteWeb platform, and then, after the decision on the platform, in person for the registration.
For those who have indefinite residence, only the Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório must be renewed, replacing the CRNM. For those whose residence is temporary, it is necessary to renew the residence permit as a whole.
The documentation required for the renewal process depends on the legal basis on which your CRNM was granted, this information is described on the back of the CRNM.
Permanent RMN | RNE how long can one stay outside of Brazil?
For a migrant with permanent residence to keep his residence it is necessary that they don't stay outside of Brazil for more than two years. If he exceeds this period, the migrant will be notified by the Federal Police to present a justification and, if not accepted, he can lose his residence.
Expired RNM | RNE of a migrant who is over 60 years old, do you need to renew?
According to the new Migration Law (Law 13.445/17) it is also necessary to renew.
The previous legislation that allowed migrants over 60 years old not to renew their document, Law 9505/97, was revoked in 2017 with the new Migration Law, in other words, this rule is no longer valid, so the migrant over 60 years old needs to renew his document like all other migrants.
What is the issuing Carteira de Registro Migratório or Cédula de Identidade de Estrangeiro?
The issuing agency of the CRNM/CIE is described in the document.
It is issued by CGPI/DUREX/DPF: Coordenação Geral de Polícia de Imigração da Polícia Federal.
How to transform the temporary RNE/RNM into a permanent one?
The transformation of the RNE/RNM into permanent differs depending on the legal basis of the residence.
Residence under the Mercosul Agreement, for example, can be transformed into permanent after two years of residence by presenting proof of work or income. For other types of residence this period may vary, as well as the documentation required.
The residence for studies can only be transformed into permanent with the alteration of the legal basis, which means, the person is no longer a resident for studies, but a resident for marriage. This type of residence does not allow the direct transformation into a permanent residence on the same legal basis.
In case of loss / theft, what do I do?
The loss or theft of the CRNM is a fatality that can happen to any of us. It is very simple to request the duplicate. Just follow these steps:
1st Step: Police Report
After the event, it is important to go as quickly as possible to the nearest Civil Police station to make the police report (B.O). At the moment, even if you are irregular (with an expired document), do not be afraid to go to the Police. They will not ask anything but what happened.
2nd Step: Scheduling with the Federal Police
With the police report in hand, it is time to schedule an appointment with the Federal Police. Follow the steps below to make it work:
Complete and sign the CRNM Duplicate Application;
Take one recent 3x4 colored photo, with front face and white background;
Declaration of e-mail address and other means of contact (annex XIX of Interministerial Ordinance No. 3/2018), that should be printed and filled out;
If you have a damaged RNM, take it with you. In case of loss, theft or robbery, present the police report (1st step);
Official identification document. It can be a passport, official identity document from the country of origin, or a document issued by a Brazilian public agency THAT HAS YOUR PHOTO. This document may be expired;
Proof of payment of the CRNM issuance fee (R$ 204,77).
Attention: In the form there is a field Código Receita STN, fill out the number 140120.
I do not have money to pay the CRNM issuance fee, what do I do?
For those who do not have money to pay the issuance or a duplicate of the CRNM, you must print and fill out the lack of assets form and take it on the day scheduled at the Federal Police.
Link to the form: Formulário de hipossuficiência econômica
Attention: In the event of false declaration, the applicant will be subject to the payment of the corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.